Tuesday, January 4, 2011

RED sale!

Just a reminder that we are having an inventory reduction sale on red long sleeve shirts. Sizes available are 12 mos, 18 mos, 24 mos, and a smal (6/7). These red shirts are priced at $14, for ANY design- your choice :) And the $14 includes name.

These are great for Valentines designs, or non holiday shirts. Red shirts are great for hiding stains.

Email prettyprettybabybowtique@gmail.com if interested.

Also, don't forget to send in your pics for the photo contest!!


  1. I am now following your blog from http://datssocute.blogspot.com. Your stuff is adorable! i wish I could sew like that, I would love it for my little guys. I hope you'll come by my blog sometime! BJ

  2. Hi! I am a current follower of yours and wanted to give you a heads up that I have changed my blog URL. Apparently if you don’t follow me at the new URL, you won’t be a follower at all. My new web address is http://thasuburbanhousewife.blogspot.com
    Hope you can come follow me
    PS. Watch for my first review and giveaway coming soon!!!
